java留言板源代码三: 给java初学者.

作 者: precom (皮蛋) 2000.12.10reply.jsp ==================================== <html><head> <META content="text/html; charset=gb2312 " http-equiv=Content-Type> <title>张家界电话黄页(网上114)</title></head> <style type="text/css"> <!-- BODY { FONT-FAMILY: "宋体","Arial Narrow", "Times New Roman"; FONT-SI ZE: 9pt } .p1 { FONT-FAMILY: "宋体", "Arial Narrow", "Times New Roman"; FONT-SIZ E: 12pt } A:link { COLOR: #00793d; TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:visited { TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:hover { TEXT-DECORATION: underline} TD { FONT-FAMILY: "宋体", "Arial Narrow", "Times New Roman"; FONT-SIZE : 9pt } .p2 { FONT-FAMILY: "宋体", "Arial Narrow", "Times New Roman"; FONT-SIZ E: 9pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 150% } .p3 { FONT-FAMILY: "宋体", "Arial Narrow", "Times New Roman"; FONT-SIZ E: 9pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 120% } --> </style> <body> <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=GB2312" %> <%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %> <jsp:useBean id="testInq" scope="page" class="ymbean.opDb" /> <% int pages=1; int pagesize=10; int count=0; 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out.print(st); } } } catch (Exception e) { out.println("error: "+e); } } %> <% //留言板界面尾部 String lbottom=""; lbottom=lbottom+ " <center> \n"+ " <FORM action=reply.jsp method=post name=sign> \n"+ " <INPUT name=lw_class1 type=hidden value=cnzjj_gt> \n"+ " <INPUT name=lw_class2 type=hidden value="+lw_class2+"> \n" + " <INPUT name=pages type=hidden value=1> \n"+ " <INPUT name=zt_time type=hidden value="+zt_time+"> \n"+ " <INPUT name=zt_author type=hidden value="+zt_author+"> \n" + " <TABLE bgColor=#d5e8fd border=0 cellSpacing=1 width=\&;95%\&;> \n"+ " <TBODY> \n"+ " <TR> \n"+ " <TD align=middle bgColor=#e6e6fa colSpan=2 noWrap><STRONG><FONT color=blue \n"+ " face=楷体_GB2312 size=5>发 表 意 见</FONT></STRONG> &nbs p; [加*的内容必须填写] </TD></TR> \n"+ " <TR> \n"+ " <TD noWrap width=\&;45%\&;> \n"+ " <DIV align=left> \n"+ " <TABLE bgColor=#d5e8fd border=0 cellSpacing=1 width=\&;100%\&;> \n"+ " <TBODY> \n"+ " <TR> \n"+ " <TD noWrap width=\&;100%\&;>*留言主题:<INPUT maxLength=40 n ame=lw_title \n"+ " size=36></TD></TR> \n"+ " <TR> \n"+ " <TD noWrap width=\&;100%\&;>*网上大名:<INPUT maxLength=18 n ame=lw_author \n"+ " size=36></TD></TR> \n"+ " <TR> \n"+ " <TD noWrap width=\&;100%\&;> 主页标题:<INPUT maxLength =40 name=pagetitle \n"+ " size=36></TD></TR> \n"+ " <TR> \n"+ " <TD noWrap width=\&;100%\&;> 主页地址:<INPUT maxLength =255 name=author_http \n"+ " size=36></TD></TR> \n"+ " <TR> \n"+ " <TD noWrap width=\&;100%\&;>*电子邮件:<INPUT maxLength=40 n ame=author_email \n"+ " size=36></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></TD> \n"+ " <TD noWrap vAlign=top width=\&;55%\&;> \n"+ " <DIV align=left> \n"+ " <TABLE bgColor=#b6d7fc border=0 cellSpacing=1 width=\&;100%\&;> \n"+ " <TBODY> \n"+ " <TR> \n"+ " <TD width=\&;100%\&;>请在下面填写你的留言:</TD></TR> \n"+ " <TR> \n"+ " <TD width=\&;100%\&;><TEXTAREA cols=50 name=lw_content rows= 7></TEXTAREA></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></TD></TR> \n"+ " <TR> \n"+ " <TD bgColor=#fbf7ea colSpan=2 noWrap>表情\n"+ " <INPUT name=gifface type=radio value=1 checked><IMG \n"+ " alt=\&;1.gif (152 bytes)\&; 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type=submit valu e=\&;预 览\&;> \n"+ " <INPUT name=cmdCancel type=reset value=\&;重 写\&;> <INPU T name=cmdBack onclick=javascript:history.go(-1) type=button value=\&;返 回\&;> \n"+ " </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM></CENTER></DIV> "; out.print(lbottom); %> </body></html> 作 者: precom (皮蛋) 2000.12.10

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