python encode和decode的妙用


>>> "hello".encode("hex")


>>> '68656c6c6f'.decode("hex")




Operand type


base64_codec base64, base-64 byte string Convert operand to MIME base64
bz2_codec bz2 byte string Compress the operand using bz2
hex_codec hex byte string Convert operand to hexadecimal representation, with two digits per byte
idna Unicode string Implements RFC 3490. New in version 2.3. See also encodings.idna
mbcs dbcs Unicode string Windows only: Encode operand according to the ANSI codepage (CP_ACP)
palmos Unicode string Encoding of PalmOS 3.5
punycode Unicode string Implements RFC 3492. New in version 2.3.
quopri_codec quopri, quoted-printable, quotedprintable byte string Convert operand to MIME quoted printable
raw_unicode_escape Unicode string Produce a string that is suitable as raw Unicode literal in python source code
rot_13 rot13 Unicode string Returns the Caesar-cypher encryption of the operand
string_escape byte string Produce a string that is suitable as string literal in python source code
undefined any Raise an exception for all conversions. Can be used as the system encoding if no automatic coercion between byte and Unicode strings is desired.
unicode_escape Unicode string Produce a string that is suitable as Unicode literal in python source code
unicode_internal Unicode string Return the internal representation of the operand
uu_codec uu byte string Convert the operand using uuencode
zlib_codec zip, zlib byte string Compress the operand using gzip

到此这篇关于python encode和decode的妙用就介绍到这了。忍别人所不能忍的痛,吃别人所别人所不能吃的苦,是为了收成得不到的收成。更多相关python encode和decode的妙用内容请查看相关栏目,小编编辑不易,再次感谢大家的支持!

标签: python encode